The Society shall be known as The Southern African Society Of Rheology. Hereafter, the words ‘The Society’ shall refer to The Southern African Society Of Rheology.
The purpose of The Society shall be to promote the inquiry and distribution of knowledge connected with advancing Rheology. Rheology being defined here as the science of the deformation and flow of matter.
The Promotion of Rheology as a Science and Application Area will be achieved via the organisation of annual meetings on different rheological topics of interest, via publication of newsletters and a journal, organisation of courses, publishing of lecture notes and by giving lectures.
3.1 Any person interested in the objectives of the society may apply for membership but no application for group membership will be entertained.
3.2 Only a written application for membership of The Society will be considered and it has to be supported in writing by a member of The Society in a manner to be approved from time to time by the Executive Committee (see 5.1).
3.3 If an application is approved by a majority of the Executive Committee, and the joining fee as well as the subscription fee for the current year has been received, the person shall be enrolled as a member of The Society.
3.4 If the Executive Committee considers the conduct of a member to be harmful to the interests of The Society, the member shall be given the opportunity to clarify such conduct. The Society may then, by a majority of two thirds, decide to terminate that person’s membership.
3.5 Any member may resign membership by giving notice in writing. If, however, at a later stage this person wishes to rejoin, this can be done as under Clause 3.2.
4.1 A joining fee is required from any new member of The Society.
4.2 The annual subscription shall be paid by each member. Subscriptions will be due either from the date of the annual general meeting or from a date set by that meeting.
4.3 Both the joining and annual fees shall be determined by the annual general meeting and reviewed from time to time.
4.4 If the subscription of any member shall be three months in arrear, notice shall be sent to the member calling his/her attention thereto and if the member does not pay the amount within 21 days of such notice the Society may forthwith cease to send the member any of the Society’s publications. If the annual subscription of a member shall still be unpaid at the expiration of 12 months from the date it was due, then a further notice shall be sent calling his/her attention thereto and if the subscription be not paid within one month of the posting of such further notice then the member shall be removed from the list of members. Any person who ceases to be a member under this rule may be re-elected to membership, but only after re-application and payment of a further Entrance Fee.
5.1 A 5-member executive committee consisting of a president, a vice-president and a secretary/treasurer and two members govern the Society. Their election is valid for 2 years. The executive sets up other committees for various functions such as committees for meetings, symposia, awards, publications, etc.
5.2 The executive committee of The Society shall be elected every second year at the annual general meeting from amongst members of The Society to serve as from that annual general meeting. Candidates shall be proposed and seconded by members of The Society before the annual general meeting. Elections shall be held by secret ballot. The elected officers are those 5 members who have won the majority of votes. The five executive committee officers shall elect the office bearers from amongst their number. The agenda and the minutes of every meeting are kept by the Secretary and are distributed to all members.
5.3 Any member of the executive committee shall be eligible for re-election except that
(i) a member shall not be eligible for the office of president for more than two consecutive years and
(ii) a member may not serve for more than four consecutive years without a portfolio.
(iii) President to be ex-officio for 1 or 2 years
5.3 The executive committee shall have the power to appoint any member of The Society to fill a casual vacancy until the next general meeting.
6.1 The executive committee shall administer the finances and affairs of The Society and take the necessary actions as may be required for carrying into effect the objectives of The Society and the resolutions of the general meetings.
6.2 The president shall chair all general meetings of The Society and all executive committee meetings unless absent. The adopted minutes of meetings chaired by the president shall be signed by him-\herself. The president shall be the spokesperson on behalf of The Society unless this task is delegated to another executive committee member.
6.3 The president of the previous years shall advise the executive committee on reasons for past policy decisions and brief the current president and executive committee when continuity and earlier experience is relevant.
6.4 The vice-president shall deputise for the president, during the president’s absence. If both president and vice-president are absent from a meeting, the members present shall choose a chairman for that meeting.
6.5 The secretary shall be responsible for the general conduct of The Society’s correspondence and business except financial and membership. The secretary shall prepare the agenda for each meeting of The Society and of the executive committee, give notice of meetings, invite nominations for any election and act as returning officer unless a returning officer is appointed. The secretary shall record the minutes of each meeting and prepare a report for the annual general meeting.
6.6 The treasurer shall receive all monies due to The Society, transact all its financial affairs and keep an accurate account of receipts, payments, credits and liabilities. The treasurer shall keep a record of members and their financial status. The treasurer shall present an interim financial statement to each executive committee meeting and an audited annual report and balance sheet to the annual general meeting.
The treasurer shall be one of the executive committee members authorised to sign withdrawals from The Society’s accounts. Withdrawals shall require more than one signature.
7.1 The executive committee shall meet at least twice a year. Three members of the executive committee shall constitute a quorum. Committee members unable to attend may authorise a proxy in writing to cast a vote on their behalf. If voting at an executive committee meeting is tied, the president or the presiding chairman shall have a casting second vote.
7.2 An annual general meeting of The Society shall be held at a date, time and venue to be fixed by the executive committee, subject to any directive from a previous general meeting. At least one month’s notice of such a meeting shall be given. Although members and observers may attend the meeting, only financial members shall have voting rights. Six members shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not reached, the executive committee shall convene a deferred annual general meeting giving at least three weeks’ notice. Such a deferred annual general meeting shall proceed with a quorum of four members unless objections to the time and venue are received in writing from no fewer than four members.
The annual general meeting shall confirm the minutes of the previous annual general meeting and receive and adopt reports by the secretary/treasurer. The meeting shall elect executive committee members and an auditor for the ensuing year. It shall discuss matters listed on the agenda and other society business raised at the meeting. The president or the chairman of the meeting shall have the power to declare any item out of order or irrelevant unless overruled by the meeting.
Decisions other than amendments to the constitution shall be made by a simple majority of members voting. Elections to the executive committee shall be held by secret ballot, other decisions shall be made by a show of hands unless a majority of members present request a secret ballot. A member unable to attend may authorise in writing a proxy to vote on his/her behalf.
7.3 At the request of three executive committee members or ten members of The Society, the secretary shall call a special general meeting within two months of receiving such a request. A notice convening a special general meeting shall be sent to all members not less than three weeks before the meeting and it shall specify the matters to be dealt with. Such a meeting shall have the authority of an annual general meeting but shall consider only the business for which it was called. The requirements for a quorum shall be the same as for an annual general meeting.
The finances of the Society come from:
- Dues paid by the members,
- Donations and other grants given to the Society by industries, institutes, the state, etc.
- Monies obtained from publications, meetings, symposia, congresses, etc. organised by the Society.
The accounts of The Society shall be audited by an auditor who shall be elected and whose remuneration shall be fixed by the annual general meeting.
The Society shall not be liable for any damage or loss to the persons or the property of members howsoever caused, provided nevertheless that the executive committee may in its absolute discretion make an ex-gratia payment out of The Society’s funds in respect of any such damage or loss if it thinks that such payment is appropriate.
This constitution may be amended by a resolution at any annual or special general meeting. Proposed amendments must be sent to all members at least one month prior to the meeting upon which they are to be voted. An amendment shall be carried by a two-thirds majority of the members voting (including proxies) provided that at least ten members voting are in favour of the amendment.
The executive committee shall appoint a member to liase with the International Rheology Committee. It may also appoint one or more delegates to international meetings.
A resolution for the dissolution of The Society may be proposed at an annual or special general Meeting provided at least one month’s notice has been given to members. A motion to dissolve The Society shall be carried by a two-thirds majority of those voting (including proxies) provided members in favour of the motion number at least thirty percent of The Society’s membership.
Unless the meeting at which The Society is dissolved specifies otherwise, the property of The Society, after discharge of all liabilities, shall be transferred to a scientific body with an active interest in Rheology.